Scholars’ Blog
This Blog is edited and curated by Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Trust Scholars

Promoting Inclusivity with KEEN UK
The homeless and vulnerably housed in Oxford require and deserve the care, protection and love that we often reserve for the social, academic or financial elite.

When Law and Public Policy Work Together - a WHT pro-bono project by Ana Lucía Díaz Azcunaga and Ramón Narváez Terrón
Our pro-bono project gave us the opportunity to work together to offer policy recommendations to a proposal that has not been well planned or addressed by the Federal Government.

Pop-Up Clothing Store for the Homeless in Oxford - a WHT pro-bono project by Jade Weiner
The homeless and vulnerably housed in Oxford require and deserve the care, protection and love that we often reserve for the social, academic or financial elite.