Junyi (Simon) Zhang
MSc Social Science of the Internet, 2019
Linacre College
Funding: Oxford-Hoffmann/Rosner
Junyi has an interest in NGOs and social activism research of modern and contemporary China in the global context.
He is currently finishing his Oxford DPhil degree remotely in Chengdu, China due to personal health issues and Covid.
Junyi has an interdisciplinary background that combines humanities and tech, and he is keen on exploring the boundary of new technology to preserve the minority and boost the development of civil society.
He graduated from Nankai University with a first-class honour World History Bachelor. While founding and supporting civil initiatives for identity construction of LGBTQ, sexuality, and minority ethnicity-based communities, he has written actively on social issues in China and has been a Digital Communications Intern at Microsoft Research Asia on artificial intelligence.
“I have been involved with several local LGBTQ, gender, and minority culture protection projects in China and WHT has offered me opportunities to understand the local issues from a more comprehensive and solid perspective of moral and political philosophy.”