Samuel Diaz Pulgar


Master of Public Policy
Lincoln College
Funding: Oxford-Weidenfeld and Hoffmann/Chevening

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Co-founder of “Nutriendo El Futuro” (NEF), an organization that feeds and provides education companionship to 100 children on weekdays and empowers female members of the community. Said organization has been recognized by the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), the National Assembly of Venezuela, Resolution Project Fellowship, Clinton Global Initiative, UnivCongress and was voted as the 2nd best project of the Global Competitiveness Leadership Program at Georgetown University. Samuel holds an BA in Liberal Studies, with Minors in International Relations and Analysis and Political Strategy. He currently works as a Relations analyst in the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA), Strategic Analyst and Content developer of the National Assembly “Plan Pais” Commission in the area of Education, designing a new education curriculum, to be implemented by a transitional government, keen on providing tools for employment, developing cutting edge mechanisms for accountability, transparency, and strengthening of public institutions; and, the establishment of success benchmarks and impact evaluation mechanisms, to determine the goals for the first 90 days and weeks of a transitional government. Samuel hopes to establish a consulting firm on Corporate Social Responsibility and then transition to the public sector aspiring to become a mayor of his municipality.


Nicolás Gómez Ospina


Natalia Brigagão