Oshil Bansal


MSc Economics for Development, 2025 
Worcester College
Funding: Oxford-Hoffmann

Oshil holds a B.A. (Honours) in Economics from Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi. She is currently working as an Associate at Trinity Life Sciences. As the Co-Founder at Project Leher, she has built a zero-waste enterprise in India focusing on end-to-end management of cigarette butt waste.

Passionate about supporting entrepreneurship ecosystems, she interned at India’s National Investment Agency, Invest India, to design economic programs for promoting sustainable businesses in India. At Oxford, she aims to learn economic strategy development and modern methods of economic analysis to become a leading economist. She envisions developing an inclusive, publicly accessible, carbon credits trading framework in India to incentivize climate friendly business activities whilst fostering economic growth.


Sebastian Jaramillo Berrocal


Nickolai Prakofyeu