Minah Faiz Rashad



International Health & Tropical Medicine (MSc)
Kellogg College, Oxford
Funding: Oxford-Hoffmann

Dr Minah Faiz Rashad is a recipient of the National Youth Icon Award 2019 in recognition for the humanitarian services for his country of Maldives by the International Youth Committee. He held the title of the Executive Youth Member in the board of Cancer Society of Maldives as well as Maldives NCD Alliance and the title of Health Promotion Co-ordinator in Maldivian Medical Association. He has represented the voice of the youth in various platforms and forums. He was the youngest presenter to present his research in the Brainspine Conference 2018 held in the Maldives. He aims to continue to make an impact in the healthcare sector at a macro scale by following his passion for global healthcare coverage.


Meron Kifle


Naman Ahluwalia