Anshuman Mruthunjaya


MPP, 2023
Lincoln College, The Elman Poole /Lincoln College Graduate Scholarship
Funding: Oxford-Weidenfeld and Hoffmann

Anshuman is a development sector professional from India. He is a keen systems enthusiast working on social innovation and change. A three-year volunteering journey changed his career trajectory and Anshuman transitioned into a full-time development career by pursuing the Young India Fellowship (YIF) from Ashoka University. After a brief stint at Teach For India, he has spent the last two years building Avagam Ventures, a consulting firm for early-stage social innovations. He has consulted over 30 project teams and helped establish five impact organisations. Simultaneously, he works as a consultant with DESTA Research LLP. Here, he supports impact organisations in redesigning their strategy, theory of change and building quantitative models to simulate scenarios and advocate for policy changes.

At Oxford, he is keen on learning how impact organisations can engage with policy and hopes to work towards a position to influence policy for social innovations and their integration in public service delivery. 


Claudia Vidal Cuéllar


Angel Carballo Cremades